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The KAREAREA is a 220mm class FPV racer for 5" and 6" propellers (IN THE MARKET THERE ARE TOO MANY DIFFERENT 6"PROPELLERS THAT ARE ALL DIFFERENT SIZE AND MATERIAL IF YOU MEASURE IT PRECISELY. ALSO SOME MATERIAL WILL EXTEND SIZE AT HIGH RPM. WE TESTED IT !. THIS LEADS TO THE PROPELLERS HITTING EACH OTHER DURING FLIGHT WHICH CAN LEAD TO SERIOUS DAMAGE AND INJURY, SO YOU SHOULD BE CAREFULLY USING 6" PROPELLERS) using its own uniquely designed light weight monocoque chassis. It is the first 220mm class drone with capability of using 6" propellers (suitable for 28mm diameter motors).
Full 3K Japan Toray Plane Carbon Fiber plate (not twill, plane CF is much stronger for impact from all directions of crash) light weight frame set weighs 112 g (+,-1g), including hardware. (Excluding genuine accessories).

Our highlight feature is the optimized C.O.G. with the drone’s arms tilted at 20°. It provides blistering take off and intense handling performance when flying at high speeds.With the help of Optimized C.O.G, landing has never been easier due to the tilted arms and front facing body. The body is facing front during the flight not downwards. This helps KAREAREA to avoid using high angle 45° FPV cams which makes the landing difficult.
The beautifully designed KAREAREA not only looks stunning, but it is a serious FPV racer for aggressive flying!

Action Cameras can be mounted (e.g. GoPro, Mobius and Run Cam) by using optional MULTIPLE ANGLE camera mount (Not included). The action camera can only be mounted when 5” propellers are fitted.

Designed for HS1177 FPV standard cameras. Such as RunCam Swift and Foxeer FPV CCD Camera. You may choose the optional KAREAREA robust and sleek tiltable FPV cam mount carbon plates (Not included in the kit).

0-20 degree tilted rotor arms
For micro USB cut out hole
The true symmetrical X-frame arms design, made with full 3k Japan Toray plane 4mm carbon fibre plate and its super narrow arm (12mm) combined with its unique top mounted propellers create almost 50% less air drag and produces huge propulsion system efficiency (compared to other racing quads). Most of the other racing quads have their components placed in higher position than propellers. This creates huge air drag and turbulence which reduces the drone’s performance.

The unique shape of each arm ends works as a bumper to absorb the impact during a crash.
Under mount battery for greater protection for your valuable Lipo battery (suggested Lipo is 1300mah 3s to 1800mah 4s)

Silicon coated high grip LiPo battery strap 20mm X 200mm